1967: Currency change from British pounds & pence to New Zealand dollars and cents.
1968–98: Coins of the United Kingdom appear with ELIZABETH II GREG, 11,011 days apart, spelling “M0M”, thus confirming a Son superior to the absent M0M, which is actually a profile image of Mrs Sanderson, who may be Elizabeth II’s blood cousin, although not Royal.
1973: Elizabeth II signed away her Royal Entitlement when she signed the European Economic Community Treaty to join the EEC, which became the European Union.
1973–75: Royal Style and Titles.
1981: Elizabeth was forced to abdicate to Joseph Gregory Hallett in person, resulting in the October 1981 ‘Diarrhoea Tour’ which was put under a D-Notice for 25 years, until October 2006, when it was revealed in person, by the same security working for Elizabeth II. They couldn’t wait.
2006, October: With the 25 year D-Notice up, the Queen Mother’s Bodyguard came around to Joseph Gregory Hallett’s house and briefed him on all the details of the Royal Diarrhoea Tour.
2013, January: One of Queen Beatrix staff questioned Joseph Gregory Hallett on Friday 25 January and he gave his titles, which were accepted. Three days later on Monday 28 January, Queen Beatrix announced she was going to abdicate.
2014, 31 May, Saturday 10 a.m. on radio: King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicated, as predicted six weeks earlier by Joseph Gregory Hallett. The reason of the Abdication is King Juan Carlos of Spain was the Honorary President of the Almanac de Gotha, which records all the Royal parentage, and Joseph Gregory Hallett had pointed out publicly that King Juan Carlos of Spain had failed to record he was the natural father of Prince William of England. For this, King Juan Carlos of Spain was taken to Africa and his leg was broken.
Leg means Kingship. Broken Leg means broken Kingship. Spain’s Kingship was broken.
2014 backdated to 2013: The Laws of Succession shrunk the Royal Family to only those of Prince Charles and descendants, which are all illegitimate, rendering the Windsor Royal family null and void.
Joseph Gregory Hallett’s creation of the Laws of Succession ended the House of Windsor as the British Royal family … with the new claimant being Joseph Gregory Hallett, as accepted by the High Court Queen’s Bench.